Research Links

Options: Current & Historical Data

  • The Antix Stock Options Report Provides the probability of a stock options contract reaching its stock price. Allows the investor to objectively evaluate the amount of risk associated with the stock option contract.

  • Commodities, futures & options - charts & data. $20 a month for unlimited access.

  • CQG, Inc Real-time, graphic-enhanced quote vendor. service includes data and software. Coverage includes U.S. and foreign futures and options, foreign exchange, U.S. government bonds.

  • FutureSource Data coverage includes real-time coverage of over 40 worldwide futures and options exchanges, cash market data for the foreign exchange, energy and metals markets, and news and information products from the leading providers in the industry.

  • Providers of real time and delayed stock, options and futures market data for market watchers, brokers and developers.

  • The Options Clearing Corp. Offering delayed options trades and quotes or stock charts.