Research Links
Research: Economic Research Sources |
B&E DataLinks: Econ & Financial Data Sources Sponsored by the Business and Economic Statistics Section of the American Statistical Association (ASA), this site contains links to financial and econ data sources of interest to economists and business statisticians.
BibEc BibEc uses the RePEc dataset of economics publications. Basically RePEc is a collection of archives that supply information about economics working papers, journal publications and software. BibEc is limited to printed papers and articles.
Bibliography of Economic Literature From the American Economic Association; the world's foremost source of information on economics.
Consensus Economics The world's leading economic survey organization. Every month over 400 economists are polled to obtain their forecasts and views
The Dismal Scientist The web's authoritative site for economic information. It offers comprehensive and timely economic data and analysis, at the metro, state, and national level by recognized economists. Our site is geared more towards small business owners and students; people who want to use economics but aren't economists themselves.
EcoSim: The Economic Simulation EcoSim is an interactive simulation in which each student plays the role of a company and a group of people, or a legislator in the government/central bank. EcoSim establishes among the players the same incentives and general restrictions that exist in the real world.
HoPEc Home page papers in economics. There is info about 361 authors (records) in our database.
The Information Economy The economics of the internet, information goods, intellectual property and related issues.
John Miller's Computational Economic Modeling These pages include information about readings, projects, etc., and are a good place to start if you are interested in pursuing research in this area. Graduate workshop in computational economics.
JokEc JokEc is a collection of professional humor for the benefit of economists as well as non-economists.
NetEc NetEc is an international academic effort to improve the communication of Economics via electronic media.
Optima Investment Research One of the largest providers of daily market research in the industry. Our mission is to provide research you can use to make investment decisions, not to contribute to the Web's information overload. Optima interprets the markets and presents trading ideas.
Quantitative Macroeconomics and Real Business Cycles This is a collection of links to several resources about quantitative macroeconomics and especially real business cycle (RBC) theory on the World Wide Web.
Stone & McCarthy Research Associates Real-time commentary and analysis of economic fundamentals and market activity.
U.S. Census Bureau Economic Clock
WebEc World Wide Web Resources in Economics. WebEc is an effort to categorize free information in economics on the WWW.
WoPEc WoPEc uses the RePEc dataset of economics publications. Basically RePEc is a collection of archives that supply information about economics working papers, journal publications and software. WoPEc is limited to downloadable papers and articles.
WWW Capitalism Web Site A monthly magazine that examines recent events from a capitalist, pro- reason, individualist perspective.